Is it possible to eradicate HPV?
Like many infections, HPV has no known treatment. The good news is that the HPV virus is regulated by the body's immune system, just like the majority of viruses. Therefore, the only pharmacological method of HPV prevention is vaccination.
Regretfully, neither human immune system nor even wart removal treatments completely eradicate the infection. Recurrence of genital warts is possible because the virus still survives inside the epithelial cells.
How can I strengthen my defenses against warts? Which vitamins are anti-wart?
The HPV vaccine is one of the scientifically validated strategies that can assist the body in producing antibodies that are specific to the HPV virus. However, this vaccine is not widely used in India, and even fewer people have received it because of the age limit for its effectiveness.
There are additional strategies to strengthen your general immunity, which can aid in the removal of the virus and increase your chances of overcoming anal or genital warts. Since there is a wealth of information on the subject, we won't go into broad immunity-boosting strategies like consistent exercise and a healthy diet.
Which vaginal wart treatment is the most effective? How can genital warts be removed the quickest?
The elimination of genital or anal warts can theoretically be accomplished via topical treatments, laser removal, or surgery. In addition to laser genital warts removal in Trivandrum, a doctor may also recommend topical creams as part of a mix of these.
Because CO2 lasers are available, we at Smart Surgeons offer the most innovative therapy for genital or anal warts:
- For tiny warts, we employ laser or radiofrequency (RF) to burn off the wart tissue precisely while causing the least amount of harm to the surrounding tissue.
- Our surgeon can use a scalpel and cautery to remove the wart tissue in bigger warts (growths that resemble cauliflower).
- In order to lower the danger of transmission and recurrence, our doctor will also recommend topical treatments.
- The quickest methods for getting rid of visible warts include laser and surgical excision. Even after visible warts are eliminated, it should be remembered that no method now in use will totally eliminate the risk of HPV transmission.
Smart Surgeons are one of the best to consider for genital warts removal surgery in Trivandrum.
Can warts be removed non-surgically?
The body's immune system can eliminate genital warts on its own over several months. The majority of our patients seek wart removal because they are ashamed or have aesthetic problems.
You can talk to our surgeon about topical therapies or creams as a first line of treatment if you are afraid of laser or surgical wart removal.
Based on your medical history, including the size and duration of the warts, our surgeon can provide you with guidance. From the laser treatment for genital warts removal in Kerala to other options available to you, you can select the one that best suits your needs.
What is laser excision of genital warts? Is it safe to remove warts with lasers?
Laser wart removal is the process of destroying wart tissue with a high intensity laser, such as a CO2 laser. Compared to other techniques like cryotherapy, lasers offer a great healing and recovery period and inflict the least amount of damage on surrounding tissues because of their high precision. Because of their accuracy, lasers work best on sensitive parts like the face and genitalia.
When performed by qualified medical professionals, laser removal is a safe and effective way to get rid of visible warts.
Is it acceptable to ignore warts? How can genital warts be treated at home?
Anal or genital warts should not be ignored, and you should see a physician about them:
Untreated warts may enlarge; bigger warts may require surgical excision since they cannot be eliminated by laser.
If left untreated, developing warts have a greater propensity to spread to other areas of the body.
Our genital warts removal treatment in Kerala doctors can recommend topical treatments that are only available with a prescription to control the infection, even if you are not interested in laser wart removal. You can use these topical creams at home.
Can I get rid of genital warts on my own? Is popping a wart acceptable?
No, removing genital warts on your own is not advised. The human papillomavirus (HPV) is the source of genital warts, a sexually transmitted infection (STI) that needs medical attention to guarantee appropriate eradication and avoid consequences.
In addition to making the condition more complicated, removing warts on your own raises your chance of developing secondary bacterial and fungal infections.
Can warts be removed with garlic? Can warts be removed with lemon? Can warts be removed with toothpaste? Can warts be removed with turmeric? How can I get rid of my genital warts on my own?
Although some home treatments, such as tea tree oil and garlic extract, have been the subject of a few short studies, these are not included in any therapy recommendations. Organizations like the WHO or UDFDA would have incorporated them into their guidelines if the evidence had been strong. The experts at Smart Surgeons will not suggest these home remedies because of the conflicting evidence and absence of guidelines.
These home cures also run the risk of damaging nearby tissues, which could make therapy more difficult. There are numerous well-known websites that discuss natural cures, but keep in mind that their main objective is to increase website traffic rather than to handle your medical care. Since they bear direct responsibility for the care and well-being of their patients, the majority of legitimate healthcare professionals avoid sharing this type of content, if you look attentively.
Regarding at-home solutions, we advise reading our self-care section, which provides safer advice that is suggested by medical professionals.