Earlobe repair: Fixing big earring holes & torn earlobes the right and permanent way

Don has 20 years of healthcare experience and holds triple masters in Biotechnology, Bioinformatics and Health Economics. He has held many leadership roles in pharma and diagnostics, including being the Global Head for Strategy & Operations for Novartis

Earlobe repair: Fixing big earring holes & torn earlobes the right and permanent way


Have you ever noticed women with hanging, stretched-out earring holes? It’s a common sight, yet the problem is often overlooked. The prevalence of this issue has led to a booming but unregulated market filled with unsafe and unscientific solutions. To address this, we sat down with Dr. Rajesh Vasu, a renowned plastic surgeon in Hyderabad, to get expert insights on proper earlobe repair. The video below is a must-watch for anyone seeking medically accurate advice on this topic.

Why Are Torn Earlobes and Big Earring Holes So Common?

There are four main reasons why earlobes tear or earring holes become enlarged:

  1. Trauma: Earrings can get caught on clothing, leading to earlobe tears.
  2. Improper Piercing: When earring holes are placed too low or in the wrong position, the supporting tissue is inadequate, leading to tears over time.
  3. Heavy Earrings: Regular use of heavy, dangling earrings puts constant tension on the delicate earlobe tissue, eventually causing it to tear.
  4. Aging: As we age, the loss of collagen weakens the earlobes, making them more prone to damage.

In India, ear piercings are often done by goldsmiths who lack anatomical knowledge. Improperly placed piercings can weaken the earlobe, increasing the risk of tearing. A properly positioned piercing, just above the earlobe's equator, provides better support and durability.

A proper ear piercing done just above the equator of the earlobe at the right anatomical position gives healthy and long lasting earring holes.

Heavy earrings, particularly those made from non-inert materials, can exacerbate the problem. It's advisable to choose lightweight, hypoallergenic earrings to minimize the risk of damage. Additionally, aging reduces the body's ability to produce collagen, causing earlobes to thin and stretch. Combining aging with large earrings significantly increases the likelihood of tears.

Wearing lightweight stud like earrings made from less reactive hypoallergenic materials reduces the chances of earlobe damage.

A torn earlobe can impact a woman's ability to wear her favorite earrings and affect her self-esteem. Unfortunately, the commonality of this problem has led many to fall for unproven and unscientific treatment options.

Unproven Treatments Widely Available

In many beauty parlors, earlobes are being "repaired" using glue, marketed as a stitch-free solution. This method has become so popular that even some medical professionals who aren’t trained surgeons are offering it. Social media and YouTube are filled with videos promoting these quick fixes.

However, earlobe repair is not a standardized procedure, and the best candidates to perform it are surgeons. In India, access to skilled plastic surgeons is limited, making it easier for unqualified individuals to offer these services. The United States Food and Drug Administration (USFDA) states that skin glue (cyanoacrylate), often used in these procedures, should only be applied to superficial and clean cuts.

Earlobe repair using skin glue or stickers is an unproven treatment that offers only temporary results. The only proper way to repair a torn earlobe is through surgical intervention by a trained surgeon.

USFDA has clearly stated that glues should only be used in superficial and clean cuts hence they are not effective in earlobe repair.

Surgical Earlobe Repair

Surgeons perform two main types of earlobe repair based on the extent of the damage:

  1. Surgical Closure of Large Earring Holes: The surgeon makes the edges of the earring hole raw and sutures them together for natural healing.
  2. Surgical Closure with Flap: For torn earlobes or nearly torn holes, a skin flap (such as the Purdue flap) may be created to provide extra support.
  3. Surgical Closure with Hyaluronic Acid Fillers: For very thin and weak earlobes, hyaluronic acid fillers can be injected to boost collagen production and strengthen the earlobes.

The choice of repair depends on the extent of the damage. Surgical repair provides a permanent solution and takes the same amount of time as glue-based methods. The procedure is performed under local anesthesia, is painless, and allows you to resume daily activities immediately. You can shower the next day, and no special precautions are needed.

In terms of time, convenience, and long-term results, surgical repair is as simple as glue but far more effective.

From the perspective of time, convenience and painlessness, surgical repair is as simple as glue but gives a more permanent solution.

Here is a comparison of Surgical versus Non-surgical earlobe repair, to help you make better and informed decision:

HTML Table Generator
Aspect Surgical Earlobe Repair Non-surgical earlobe repair
Procedure Type  Performed by a trained surgeon using sterile techniques Often performed without medical supervision, using glue or other adhesives 
High, with precise tissue repair and long-lasting results
Low, often providing only temporary fixes
Aesthetic Outcome Typically results in a natural and symmetrical appearance May lead to irregular or asymmetrical results
Risk of Infection  Low, due to sterile environment and proper wound closure
High, due to non-sterile application and inadequate closure
Suitability for Larger Tears
Effective for all sizes, including large or complex tears
Limited effectiveness and restricted to small tears; ineffective for larger damage
Durability Performed with expert knowledge and follow-up care Typically performed without professional input or aftercare
Risk of Allergic Reaction Low, with medical-grade materials used Higher, particularly if non-medical-grade adhesives are used

The Cost of Earlobe Repair

Surgical repair is more expensive upfront compared to skin glue treatments, but it is a more cost-effective solution in the long run. For example, if you spend ₹5,000 on glue repair, it may fail within a year, requiring you to spend another ₹5,000. In contrast, surgical repair offers permanent results, making it a wiser investment.

At Smart Surgeons, we have standardized our earlobe repair packages to offer comfort, predictability, and effective planning for your surgery.


Here are some key takeaways on earlobe repair that will benefit you and your loved ones:

  1. Proper Piercing: Ensure ear piercing is done by a trained professional to avoid improper placement.
  2. Choose Earrings Wisely: Avoid heavy earrings and opt for hypoallergenic materials to reduce the risk of damage.
  3. Immediate Action for Trauma: If your earlobe tears, apply pressure to stop the bleeding and consult a surgeon promptly.
  4. Avoid Unproven Treatments: Skin glues and other non-surgical options lack scientific evidence and can be unsafe.
  5. Opt for Surgical Repair: A trained surgeon can provide long-lasting results in a safe, sterile environment.

By following these guidelines, you can protect your earlobes and ensure they remain healthy and intact for years to come.